SSL Certificates



Its very important to gain your customer’s trust and confidence, in order to be able to close the deal with them. You can’t obtain your customers trust  that they give you their personal data when shopping on your website unless you are 100% secure. An SSL certificate from RootGate is the easy, affordable way to secure your website and increase sales.

SSL acts as your online ID card proving that what you say who you are on your website is true. It also creates a private encryption connection, secure sockets between the web server and your website visitor’s web browser, so the information they give via your website can not be seen or read by anyone else, and when customers know their information is safe they will be more likely to buy from you.

More details about the SSL certificate we offer:

Fast and easy SSL certificates.

We offer a GeoTrust QuickSSL certificate, the simplest and most common type of GeoTrust certificate. It provides a balance of features and ease of use that’s just right for most of our customers, including:

  • Over 99% browser compatibility, plus most mobile device browsers
  • Strong 256-bit encryption and 2048-bit root
  • Automatic authentication and issuance in just minutes

Verify and secure your site.

There are many benefits to an SSL certificate:

SSL acts as your online ID card proving that what you say who you are on your website is true. It also creates a private encryption connection, secure sockets between the web server and your website visitor’s web browser, so the information they give via your website can not be seen or read by anyone else, and when customers know their information is safe they will be more likely to buy from you.

Now available for your hosting plan.

Anyone with a current account in RootGate can purchase an SSL certificate from us.

Security seals included.

Our SSL certificates are compatible with the GeoTrust True Site Seal, a visible and recognizable badge that lets site visitors know your site offers secure transactions.